[东德][1984][无情的战线 (13集)][剧情/动作/战争/冒险][国德双语/中字][mkv/每集约350M/总4.5G]

 《无情的战线》讲的是四个故事。从1934年夏到1946年。 About the desperate resistance of a brave few antifascist men and women, against overwhelming odds, in the early 30's, fighting the Hitler regime. The action takes the viewer deep inside the thirdreich of 1934, the civil war in Spain, into the Caucasus mountains of soviet Russia and into soviet occupied (or liberated) east Germany. 链接:
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fr6cpQTRr_466LUrJbDvvg
密码: 9bdf




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