【59影视】【嘉禾】山东响马.Bandits From Shantung.1972【D-M/475MB】【国语双字】

◎中文 名 山东向马
◎片  名 Bandits From Shantung
◎拼 音 Shan dong xiang ma
◎年  代 1972
◎地  区 中国香港
◎类  别 动作/功夫
◎语  言 国语
◎字  幕 简繁双字
◎视频尺寸 720 x 304
◎文件大小 475 MB
◎片  长 01:18:17
◎导  演 黄枫
编剧, 黄枫 ; 监製, 邹文怀 ; 助导, 黄拔景 ; 剪辑, 韩江 ; 摄影, 李有棠 ;
音乐, 王福龄 ; 武术指导, 朱元龙 (即洪金宝) ; 化装, 谢泽源 ; 服装, 俞文华 ;
道具, 黄顺昌 ; 佈景, 李占 (即李沾) ; 灯光, 金泰成.
◎主  演 白鹰 Ying Bai ....Bandit Chief (as Pai Ying)
   张翼 Yi Chang
   胡锦 Ching Hu ....(as Hu Chin)
易原, 田蜜, 朱元龍 (即洪金寶), 崔聖寬, 金起範, 張正國, 錢月生 (即錢月笙).
◎制作机构 嘉联公司, 出品.
嘉禾电影有限公司. 发行.
嘉禾, 影带发行.
Virgin Vision (Far East) Ltd., 影带发行.
乐贸影视发行, 影碟发行

2009112702.jpg snapshot20100428153827.jpg snapshot20100428153848.jpg snapshot20100428153904.jpg snapshot20100428153924.jpg snapshot20100428153931.jpg snapshot20100428154007.jpg Ong, a chief of the Green Dragon Association, has been playing havoc in the Shan Tung Area. Knight Yin comes to visit his fiancee Tik but finds her house has been deserted. He is shocked and lets his frustration out on Ong's henchmen, One-legged Wolf, Ma and some people. Only Ma manages to escape from death in the ensuing fight. Tik goes back home to get some warm clothes for her mom and ambushed by Ma and his guys. Yin fights a way out but Tik is captured. At dawn, he returns to the town and asks for help from Suen who arrives in town with a valuable consignment in his escort. Yin wants to use Suen's consignment as a bait for the bandits but Suen refuses. Finally yields to the demand after being defeated in a duel. Ong and his gangsters come for the consignment. He brings Tik along as a hostage. As a result, Yin gets Tik back and watches Ong takes away the consignment. Back at his stronghold, Ong is exasperated and discovering that the consignment is faked. Tik is safe now, so Yin dispatches the notorious bandits right at their stronghold... 山东响马截图.jpg

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DQ9dVy8LaQwjsXbaAyWfDQ 密码: c5ha




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