
译  名 爱在葡萄园
片  名 Love in the Vineyard
年  代 2016
国  家 美国
类  别 剧情/喜剧/爱情
语  言 英语
上映日期 2016-02-12
IMDb评分 5.7/10 from 186 users

豆瓣评分 0/10 from 4 users
片  长 87分钟(美国)
导  演 杰森·伯格 Jason Bourque
主  演 埃曼妞·沃吉亚 Emmanuelle Vaugier
      马修·麦考尔 Matthew MacCaull
      克里斯托弗·拉塞尔 Christopher Russell

简  介

  Molly hurries to boyfriend Jackson's birthday party with some big news to deliver: She's got an offer for a new job, 800 miles away. Jackson says of course he'll follow her anywhere and, because it's also Valentine's Day, he gives her a diamond pendant. Molly surprises him with a puppy. The romance is soon interrupted with the worst kind of Valentine's gift: Jackson's ex, Vanessa, shows up with a DNA test proving he's the true father of her baby. Jackson insists that Vanessa was a one-night stand before he and Molly got serious, but Molly is livid. She leaves puppy, pendant, and Jackson in San Francisco and heads for Seattle.

爱在葡萄园.720p.BD中英双字.mp4 (1.29 GB)

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